Crochet With Purpose: Halos of Hope

It is my great honor to announce the One-4-One program beginning October 1, 2014.  

In partnership with Halos of Hope, every time  a hat is purchased from my store,  I will make a hat for Halos of Hope. To me, Halos of Hope allows me to do something with my business that makes a difference. It's an opportunity to touch someone's life through crochet.

I am blessed that I do not have a close relative or even know someone who has cancer. My grandmother had lung cancer. They removed her lung and that was the end of it. She did not have chemo or lose her hair and the cancer never came back. She went on to live a full life until she passed away ten years ago.  As I type these words I am blown away by that fact.

Not long ago, upon request of a good customer, I sent a free chemo cap to a friend of hers battling cancer and I received this note:

Her note to me changed my life. To know that my creation touched her that way.. well, it was a gift.

I hear stories of woman battling breast cancer and men & woman battling other forms of cancer and it touches my heart. I wanted to do something. I decided to take my love for crochet and turn it into an expression of love for cancer patients. I want them to know someone, even if a stranger, is thinking good thoughts for them. A handmade head cover as they go through the process of battling cancer.  In that spirit I decided to launch my One-4-One program.

You can buy hats here or in my Etsy shop.

If you are a crocheter, I also have posted free hat patterns and am accepting donations of completed hats to go to Halos of Hope. Send your completed hats to:

144 Chemo Caps PO Box 86 Sycamore IL 60178


:::::::::::::  UPDATE:  JANUARY  5, 2015  ::::::::::::::: Thanks to the success since launching this program, today I shipped 60 hats to Halos of Hope. What a wonderful gift to reach 60 chemo patients with love.

:::::::::::::  UPDATE:  MARCH15, 2016:::::::::::::::  Last weekI shipped another 80 hats to Halos of Hope.